48 \\ 10 (and a few more) Household and Personal Items I Stopped Buying Too Many Of That Helped Me Curb The Clutter and 3 Easy Ways For You To Do The Same

With Your Host: Grace Rehman | Home Organizer, Declutter Coach, Senior Move Manager

"Research conducted for the Huffington Post showed that 84 percent of Americans worry that their homes aren’t organized (or clean) enough — and 55 percent of those folks say it’s a big cause of stress." (https://nbcnews.to/3GRseFx)

Keeping this quote in mind, listen to this episode as I share with you the 10+ items I stopped purchasing (or have purchased less of) to curb the clutter in my home! I will then show you how I did so!

Clutter is often a cause of stress so take a deep breath, sit awhile and use this episode as motivation to declutter today!

Ok, correction on item 8, which is makeup! I have not stopped purchasing them altogether like I said but I have purchased significantly less and I stick to essentials like mascara, powder, and foundation. :)

Need a little help from a friend (me!) Click here to book your FREE 15-minute consultation with me:  https://bit.ly/free15minute-consultation 

Connect with me here:  www.organizewithgrace.com

On the socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/organizewithgracefb

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/organizewithgrace/ 


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